Monday, September 28, 2009

As "good" as its word

There is a reason why people have such negative opinions of used-car dealers.

Based on first impressions -- and second and third -- International Motor Productions, a used-car dealer in Carrollton, TX, does its level best to make sure customers feel more like victims than participants in a good-faith transaction.

If you are considering buying a car from them, please make sure you do the following:

1. Review their Better Business Bureau scorecard. They are not members of the BBB, so there is little or no recourse against them via the BBB complaint process. Be aware that, as of today, they have had 33 complaints made against them, only nine of which have reached any sort of resolution that has made the buyer happy.

2. Make absolutely certain you get any promises from them in writing. Even if they agree to make repairs to a car, there is no way to ensure that they will do so or that any repairs will be done to specification if those repairs are not described in writing. The dealer may even tell you that they have made the repair, and then require that you sign an "As Is, No Warranty" form. If you have a problem with the repair after the fact or discover that they used shoddy parts or shortcuts to make the repair, they will use the "As Is, No Warranty" form as their proof that they have done everything they were obliged to do.

3. Do not expect them to act in good faith. Be sure to follow the Federal Trade Commission's guidelines on dealing with used car dealers: Review the Buyers Guide, which must tell you:

* whether the vehicle is being sold "as is" or with a warranty;
* what percentage of the repair costs a dealer will pay under the warranty;
* that spoken promises are difficult to enforce;
* to get all promises in writing;
* to keep the Buyers Guide for reference after the sale;
* the major mechanical and electrical systems on the car, including some of the major problems you should look out for; and
* to ask to have the car inspected by an independent mechanic before you buy.

When you buy a used car from a dealer, get the original Buyers Guide that was posted in the vehicle, or a copy. The Guide must reflect any negotiated changes in warranty coverage. It also becomes part of your sales contract and overrides any contrary provisions. For example, if the Buyers Guide says the car comes with a warranty and the contract says the car is sold "as is," the dealer must give you the warranty described in the Guide.

As Is - No Warranty

When the dealer offers a vehicle "as is," the box next to the "As Is - No Warranty" disclosure on the Buyers Guide must be checked. If the box is checked but the dealer promises to repair the vehicle or cancel the sale if you're not satisfied, make sure the promise is written on the Buyers Guide. Otherwise, you may have a hard time getting the dealer to make good on his word.

One sure thing about dealing with International Motor Productions of Carrollton, TX, is that final sentence: They will not make good on oral contracts; avoid them at all costs.

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